Today is Rissol and Mumu’s birthday.
And while I am well aware this post is not wedding related, the fact is, they have been my real companions during this quarantine. I’ve learned so much these 22 days just by observing them that I really do believe we have so much to learn on ‘how to let go’ with cats.
Things my cats have been doing during this quarantine
- Sleep
I’ve always said that life in London seems to happen so much quicker than back home in Portugal. In fact, the concept of time just isn’t the same. Commuting takes too long, everyone is in a hurry, there is always so much to get done.
Staying at home with my cats has led me to having to slow down. I did lose the concept of time and some days I stay up longer and get up later than normal, but others, I wake up with the sunrise and go to bed by 8. It feels oddly nice to sleep like a cat. And I had completely forgotten how important it is for our mental health.
- Eat
I know some cats just eat the entire bowl as it is served, but curiously, mine have always been good about it.
Rissol and Xamu only go for food when they need it… And I’ve been trying to do the same. It gets hard when there is a fridge just behind me as I edit, but I’ve been pretty good food wise, I confess.
(Yes, I know Xamu is overweight, stop shaming my cat!)
- Grooming
In times when we read and hear so much about self-care, the kings of it are definitely cats. They invest their time in taking care of themselves. They groom 1000 times a day, they do their manicures daily and often Mumu and Rissol do it to each other, which just melts my heart.
I have been trying to be good on that myself, just letting time slow down, moisturising more (especially with so much more hand washing than normal), taking care of my skin (where acne arrived when I was 10 and never left), and taking long baths.
The truth is, I forget about myself all the time. May this be a lesson that I matter too, and that after this madness, I need to do my best to find time to be kind to myself.
On a more important level…
- Cuddles
Not only do they cuddle with each other (it really is the cuddle fest in this house and again, I MELT!), they also cuddle me non-stop. Quarantining alone (yes, I am single again, there you go) takes it’s toll on the need for physical contact, and I am so grateful to have my two boys with me. They love cuddles and they often ask to be pet and carried around the house.
They’ve been keeping me sane and happy and busy, and I don’t know what I would do without them.
If you have pets, you know what I mean. If you don’t, but are sharing your quarantine with another human, cherish the time you have together and make new and unique memories. And if you are quarantining alone, practice loads of self-care, and use the magic that is nowadays internet. I know how grateful I am for it too. Be strong, you are doing amazing.
- Living life day by day
This is honestly the hardest one.
Being a small business owner and having seen all my work postponed or cancelled until further notice has made me really sad, sometimes leaving me to feel quite helpless.
The past year has been quite the mental and emotional challenge, and I was finally getting up on my two feet, feeling strong and independent and like I could take on the world, until everything changed.
I have to believe that everything will be ok, and that solutions will come, and that the world will heal. Above all, my mental health is what’s keeping me afloat, and I need to be good to it, just take on the challenges as they appear day by day, and believe that this too shall pass.
Today Rissol turns 11 and Xamu turns 9.
I remember the days I adopted them so well.
Rissol was 1 month old and had been abandoned by his mother because he was ill. Just a ball of fluff with giant eyes. I had to get a little rattle around his neck because he was so tiny and fast I almost stepped on him and killed him right at the beginning. This way I always knew where he was.
Xamu was adopted at 6 months old… and as we brought him home in the car he straight away showed us his calm and chilled personality as he fell asleep by the back window in our car.
It took them about a year to be friends, as Rissol was much older and basically the king of the flat. But when they connected, they really fell in love with each other.
Sometimes it makes me sad to think of the years they have left. We’ve been through so much together, and they are my family.
Special cuddles for them today, and I also bought some nice treats and a special can of food the last time I had to go to the shops for supplies. I also spread a bit of rainbow coloured bunting through the house, and sprinkled them with a bit of confetti. They liked that part especially!
Tomorrow we’ll be back to wedding content!
I just wanted to share something lighter today… and their birthday sure is what made my day today!
There is definitely a lot we can learn from our pets, especially in times like these. Don’t forget that this might be our 20th something day of quarantine, but for many of our furry friends it’s been their daily reality for years and they are doing just fine.
If they can do it, why won’t we? Especially with all that we have available to entertain ourselves.
Stay home,
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